Minutes of AGM 2006
Held at Lindley Liberal Club, Wednesday 28th June at 7.45 pm
A Ward
GM Peake
D Firth
David Browns
A Ward
AR Tuddenham, B Brian
E Priestley, AG Midgley, RS Boylan, RJ Sutcliffe, D Firth, E Mellor, M Rojinski, P Czerwinski
J Newsome, P Shaw, WF Lumley
Holme Valley
GM Peake, K Haigh, N Battye, R Atkinson, SV Thompson
Non registered: J Froggatt, A.N.Other
1. A minute’s silence was held for departed chess friends, David Woodhead, Paul Wilson and M Popiel.
2. Apologies R Keely, L. Keely, P. Jackson, N Hepworth, R Van Kemenade, NJ Edwards, A Coupe, P Jackson, T Pogson, James Lawson
3. Minutes 2005 AGM minutes were approved (E Priestley/AG Midgley).
4. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
5. President’s Report
Mr Ward reflected on his years as President. The President thanked Mr Peake for his excellent web site, and - no disrespect to Bill Lumley — said that Geoff had taken it to the next level. The President concluded by thanking all players and officials, with a special thanks to Bill Lumley for his 28 years as Secretary.
6. Secretary’s Report
“We all have our own individual memories of David Woodhead 16th March 1942 - 22nd Mar 2006, which will be for ever etched on our minds, and we all suffer a sense of sadness and loss. We have lost a great character and a man who was passionate about chess, a time trouble gambler, as though he couldn't stop himself looking at the fascinating lines. He loved chess. Has anyone played more than he? He had character and grit, he called a spade a spade, and stood no nonsense, exposed any pretence or hypocrisy and spoke only the truth. He called it as he saw it. There was no falseness.
I remember watching a game he played against Stewart Thompson. Stewart had won the exchange, but failed to find a plan in the middle game, and David [who was Stewart's nemesis] came storming back and won. "Well," said David, "Tha didn't do nowt !"
He had "heart" in spades... yet died of a heart attack.
His last move was Nd4 #, in the last minute on his clock.
We should look sympathetically to Barry Brian’s idea of a trophy.
Thanks to
Bill Lumley with his old docs templates etc to build on, help and advice, and response to my Handicap proposal document.
Roger Tuddenham, who does actually speak a lot of sense now and again !
Stewart Thompson for his help with the mathematics in my review of the handicap system.
Peter Czerwinski for spotting errors and his help with hosting Rapidplay, Individual KO and this meeting.
Edgar Priestley and Tony Midgely - amazing men. Why should England tremble when we produce men like that ?
David Firth for his help and support, work as treasurer.
Alec Ward for his 5 years as President.
John Newsome and his helpers for the work they did for the Bill Lumley Rapidplay finals, and the other venues such as Chartist and David Browns and Huddersfield for hosting the earlier rounds.
Paul Jackson for his common sense in Handicap Committee meetings, and John Newsome will tell us how much he has helped Netherton.
Nigel Hepworth who has done a fantastic job with Huddersfield Congress and Rapidplay and Juniors, and now has a Huddersfield Club website running.
I would like to propose that the F. W. Brown Rapidplay trophy be used in the Rapidplay Trophy that Nigel is organising.
Thanks to all the Captains and secretaries, car drivers.
And thank you to those who have cleaned the trophies before returning them.
You have to look after the people that I have mentioned you know. They are the ones that make these wonderful chess events happen.
If you just turn up and play, remember that without these organisers the events just would not take place, and we should show our appreciation for their hard work.
Congratulations to all our Winners
I graded all leagues games, Individual KO, Netherton Club games, HV Chess Tournament games, Huddersfield Swiss Tournament, Huddersfield Congress, Yorkshire League games. Peter Shaw had 52 games graded ! 183 grade.
Rapidplay results for last two years graded.
Handicap Committee met twice last to review handicaps of Huddersfield Juniors, and also to review the current handicap system.
The Web site
I've always liked the idea of having all the information such as fixtures, results, tables, grades etc. in one place, so you can view it at the click of a mouse.
You can see photographs of the presentation to Bill Lumley last year, the Dewsbury presentation to Maurice Child, and many other amusing photos as well as playing through many games on line, including Bill Lumley's games in the British Correspondence Chess Championship, and information and links to other chess events.
I apologise that some information is too slow to load if you do not have broadband. I promise to address that next season.
I failed to put the start time of the finals of the Bill Lumley Rapidplay which resulted in a confusion about start time 7:15pm / 7:30pm, Many apologies for that.
Apologies for Netherton A having more away fixtures than at home.
New Team
We welcomed a new team of Juniors this year - and they almost won it.
This has caused fixture problems, even though it’s a nice problem, but as Nigel asked that we avoid two matches at home the same night, there are other constraints with booking the Lindley Liberal Club also. This prevents a simple fixture reversal for the same reason.
We also welcomed Brighouse back to the Rapidplay this season, which I was very pleased about.
There are problems with cold venues, defaults, [it's not just the player who turns up and doesn't get a game - matches are more often than not effectively decided by defaults], fear of change, apathy. But at least no disappearing chess clubs such as SPEN this season. Other problems such as spiralling petrol costs and bad weather postponements we cannot do much about.
Email and the web is the future. If anyone here has email, and is not on the Chess distribution list, the please contact me after the meeting.”
7. Treasurer’s Report
Mr Firth produced the Accounts for the year ending 31 May 2006.
The balance sheet showed a surplus for the year of £147.63, with net assets of £614.19.
The treasurer was asked to find out the rate of interest on the account for the next meeting.
The Accounts were accepted unanimously, and a vote of thanks to Mr Firth, was proposed by Mr RS Boylan, supported by Mr AG Midgley
8. Confirmation of Fees for 2006-2007
The affiliation fees of £5 per Club and £10 per team (£5 for Bill Lumley Rapidplay) remain unchanged for 2006-07.
9. Presentation of Trophies
Watkinson Netherton 1
Littlewood Huddersfield Knights
Examiner Netherton A
Team K.O. Huddersfield
FW Brown Rapidplay Champion unplayed
Bill Lumley Rapidplay Netherton A
Individual K.O.
Section 1 R Van Kemenade (Huddersfield) beat J C Lawson (Netherton)
Section 2 R J Sutcliffe (Chartist) beat A Aguirre ( Huddersfield)
Section 3 N Battye (Holme Valley) beat R Atkinson (Holme Valley)
10. Election of Officers
The President: W F Lumley
[Bill remarked that he had spent 45 minutes out of office!]
Treasurer: D Firth
Secretary: G M Peake
11. Election of Handicap/Competition Committee.
WF Lumley, E Priestley, AR Tuddenham, PH Jackson, G M Peake.
12. PROPOSITIONS (G M Peake/A R Tuddenham)
To change the scoring system in Handicap matches, and other changes to the Constitution and Rules.
Details already circulated.
This was passed by 17 votes for, 2 against.
An amendment to make the maximum adjustment 8 [instead of 9] [P. Shaw, J.V. Newsome] was defeated by 16 votes against, 3 for.
13. The Northern Membership Scheme
Mr Peake reported on the current state of the “Northern Membership scheme”.
It was decided that no action be taken.
A} Barry's Brian proposed a trophy in memory of David Woodhead, and said that he was willing to purchase the trophy. It was decided that the Secretary would look into possible ways in which the trophy could be used.
B} Members voted unanimously to hold the F W Brown Rapidplay in Spring 2007.
C} Robert Sutcliffe reported on a Rotary Club Chess initiative for young people.
The Meeting closed at 9.50 pm