Presentation to Bill Lumley, 
Huddersfield & District Chess Association League Secretary for 28 years 
22nd June 2005 
The President, Alec Ward, thanked Bill Lumley for the service he had given to the Association over the past 28 years. On behalf of the Association and many individual members, Mr Lumley was presented with a gift voucher, and a framed picture by the local ‘Yorkshire Artist’, Ashley Jackson.  
Mr Lumley expressed his deep gratitude to all those who had been in any way  involved in this wonderful gesture. Such a gift was a particularly inspiring choice, as it would be a constant reminder of the many friends, which he had made over the past 28 years. Mr Lumley commented that people who accept honorary positions invariably do so to a large degree for the satisfaction, which they enjoy from doing a job well. All that is expected in return, is that members appreciate the efforts that have been made on their behalf.  
Bill concluded by thanking all those present who had demonstrated by their warm and generous acclamation that his efforts over the past 28 years had all been worthwhile! This had been a very warm and emotional moment, and one, which Mr Lumley would never forget. 
Tony Midgley brought the meeting to a close by thanking Bill on behalf of all Association members for the contribution, which he had made to chess in Huddersfield over the past 28 years. 
The Bill Lumley Rapidplay Trophy