Individual Knock Out 2007-8   [Draw made 16/10/07] 
Final games were played at Lindley Liberal Club, Huddersfield on Wednesday 20th February 2008 
Section 1 Grade 135+  
Wed 7/11/07 
Semi Final Wed 12/12/07
Final   Wed 20/2/08
1 Chris Booth   [w]   1
1 Chris Booth               1
2 Dave Grobler        0
3 Matthew Parsons    0
1. Chris Booth   0.5  , 0
Greg Eagleton  [w]   1
4 Greg Eagleton         0
6. Peter Shaw    0.5  , 1
5 Antonio Aguirre        0
6 Peter Shaw            1
Section 2[a] Grade 110 to 134 
Wed 7/11/07
Final   Wed 20/2/08
1  Robert J. Sutcliffe  [withdrawn]
2  A. R. Tuddenham         
2  A. R. Tuddenham     0
3  Dave Gray                  1
Section 2[b] David Woodhead trophy  Grade 85-109 
Wed 7/11/07
Wed 7/11/07
Semi Final Wed 12/12/07
Final   Wed 20/2/08
Mehool Shah  [w]  1
1 Mehool Shah   0
2 Mark Rojinsky       0
3 John Hill         1
3. John Hill   0.5, 1
5. Barry Brian  0.5 , 0
Alec Ward [w]  0.5, 0.5  0
3. John Hill        1
5 Barry Brian      0.5, 0.5  1 rapidplay
9. Bill Lumley    0
6 Eddie Mellor [B]      1
6 Eddie Mellor     0
7 Stewart Thompson  0
9 Bill Lumley       1
8 Dennis T Hill   [w]  0
9 Bill Lumley            1
Section 3  Grades of 84 and below 
Semi Final Wed 12/12/07
Final   Wed 20/2/08
1  Chris Stratford  [B]   1
1 Chris Stratford   1
2  Derek Senior           0
3 Paul Hill              0
1. Chris Stratford    1
4. Norman Battye    0
4 Norman Battye  1
5 Joe Froggatt     0
1.      The Individual Knock-Out Competition shall be restricted to registered members of the Association  
2.      Players shall be placed in 4 sections:-  
i.   Section 1 Grades of 135 or higher 
    ii.  Section 2a Grades 110 – 134 
   iii. Section 2b Grades 85 – 109 for the The David Woodhead trophy 
   iv. Section 3 Grades of 84 and below. 
All sections are “open” so that players below the grading band could elect to play in a higher section, but not lower, and only allowed to play in one section.  
3.      Match venues shall be arranged by the General Committee.  
4.      Matches may be played by mutual agreement, before the cut-off date. If no such arrangement is made, the game will be played at the arranged venue, on the scheduled date at 7.30 pm  
5.      Players not ready to start by 8.00pm shall be scratched from the competition.  
6.     Players shall spin for colour and winner shall have choice. In case of drawn games, colours shall be reversed and a second game shall be played at the same rate of play. 
7.     If two games are drawn at normal rate, subsequent games to be played under FIDE Rapidplay rules at 30 minutes per player, until a result is obtained. Players to spin for choice of colour at the start of the new Rapidplay time control, and alternate colours in any subsequent games. 
8.      Results must be recorded on the master sheet at the official playing venue or reported to the League Secretary immediately on completion of the game.